

Where to start with?

  1. DimeMod. Version 2.x. More info here
  2. A download link for Remote Flasher: disk.yandex.ru
  3. A download link to custom RomRaider build used to log extended parameters for DM2.x: disk.yandex.ru or drive.google.com
  4. A web tool to patch out eco-related things and to add DimeMod 1.xx logger parameters to logger.xml: http://apps.ecuresearch.ru:8080/rom-tools-web/
    Login and password are provided right above the input fields.

Known issues

Dec-24, 2024:
Custom AL and AB Trigger issue: All DM2.x until the latest DM23100 version have a bug causing AutoBlip and Antilag custom triggers differ from “ALS Main Trigger” and “Defogger” set in “DimeMod: ALS: Antilag -> AL: Antilag Trigger” and “DimeMod: ALS: AutoBlip -> AB: Trigger” causing Antilag and/or Autoblip not working.

Cause: XML generation issue, settings values are generated wrong.
Workaround: Use “ALS Main Trigger” or “Defogger” value
Fix: Ask me to re-generate XMLs. BIN file does not need to be changed.