
Where to start with?

  1. DimeMod. Version 2.x. More info here
  2. A download link for Remote Flasher: disk.yandex.ru
  3. A download link to custom RomRaider build used to log extended parameters for DM2.x: disk.yandex.ru or drive.google.com
  4. A DimeMod Cheatsheet (EN)
  5. A web tool to patch out eco-related things and to add DimeMod 1.xx logger parameters to logger.xml: http://apps.ecuresearch.ru:8080/rom-tools-web/
    Login and password are provided right above the input fields.

2 thoughts on “Welcome”

  1. Здравствуйте! Мозги EJ201 Hitachi. Вы занимаетесь такими? Все говорят, что не шьются.

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